Spiritually Grown Turmeric

Organic Turmeric was grown in Pondicherry Central Prison in the Natural Farm and was harvested as 100% Organic Turmeric. This 100% Pure Organic Turmeric is loaded with Love, Care, Compassion and New Hope. 

Turmeric Farming by Pondicherry Prison

Grown in the Spiritual Atmosphere of Pondicherry Central Prison under the Divine light of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo

Naturally grown turmeric packaging

Harvested with a New Hope by the Prison Inmates to pay the educational fees of their Children.

Cleaned and dried with Compassion, Happiness and Confidence of Special Children of Satya Special School with a joy to earn some money despite of being a gifted child.

Turmeric Drying by Satya Special School

The money earned by selling this turmeric powder will be used to pay the educational fees of the children of the Prison Inmates

Turmeric Drying in Aurokrishi (School of Natural & Conscious Farming)