Connecting with your Inner Self


A workshop was organised for the prison inmates for a deep conversation about how they can connect to their higher inner self. Sri Aurobindo Society believes that inner self is a voice inside of us, our wiser teacher that knows all the answers and knows us better than anyone else.

The workshop was aimed to connect all the inmates to their inner self, and aligns them with their core values and helps them to live a more harmonious and fulfilling life.

The out come of the workshop in fact connected all the inmates to their inner self, knowing deeply their values, vision and motivation and beliefs in life along with self-awareness and introspection. All the prisoners were involved in the workshop so deeply that they had profound and different experiences.

The therapist made them to realise that that ‘Your inner self loves you fully and unconditionally, and it doesn’t matter for how long you’ve been disconnected from that self, it’s always there for you’. All the inmates were convinced that their inner soul isn’t the place of judgement, it's a place of unconditional love and acceptance, and they can always go to that place by themselves. They all requested to have such sessions on regular basis to deep dive in their inner being to raise their inner consciousness.